Before going on adventures you always need to check every nook of your boat to ensure everything is working right. Risk-free travel starts with ensuring your boat's electric wires are all working...
An ignition cable (also known as a spark coil) is an induction coil that converts the battery's low voltage (12 volts) to a very high voltage (approximately 50000 volts) to produce a spark within the...
Many marine engines used "raw water" cooling systems, which effectively meant they relied on pumping whatever water the boat was floating insalt water, dirty water, algae-infested water, and...
A stud is essentially a threaded piece of bar. Although some studs have heads built permanently into the object they are fastened to, it resembles a machine screw without the tip. Studs are...
The shim is needed to fix the misalignments between rotating components like pumps, gearboxes, generators, turbines, engines, gearboxes, and compressors. This shim can also be used as spacers to fill...